The APP/DAV Urban Form(s) course
is a condensed, introductory course divided into three (3) overlapping, precise
pedagogical segments, consisting of one week each.
#02 seeks the production of
architectural material via quick, subjective analogue assessment(s) of urban waterfront
situations, supplemented by textual descriptions.
#03 seeks the production of further architectural material, via fast, subjective digital assessments of selected urban waterfront situations, likewise supplemented by textual descriptions.
#04 seeks the production of simplified, mini (1:1000) scale models of selected situations from the two previous courses. The models are to be manufactured as 3D plaster casts. More precise textual descriptions are expected to supplement this part.
Some of the learning outcome(s) from this course will overlap into the subsequent segments from the urban sketching course in Prague (Urban Form(s) #01)